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Board Game League

Welcome Board Game League Player! Did you have an absolutely, undeniably awesome time playing games last week? Have you spent the hours since last week ended consumed with a burning desire to race home and share these new discoveries with your friends? Well, for those of you who said yes, we've compiled this handy dandy list of what we played so you could remember. And if you want to buy a copy for yourself, we've included Amazon links for each one. You can thank us next week.

Week 6 Games

Week 5 Games

Week 4 Games

Week 3 Games

Week 2 Games

Not available online

Week 1 Games



Week 1 Games

Week 1 Games


"Dixit" is actually Latin for "awesome board game."

Week 1 Games

Week 1 Games


The best game that starts with the letter "S" that we can think of.

Week 1 Games

Week 1 Games

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Take over the world by... spelling?

Week 1 Games

Week 1 Games

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Because you've already gone through every card in the Codenames deck 20 times at this point.

Week 1 Games

Week 1 Games


Taboo + inside jokes + charades. Need we say more?

Week 1 Games

Week 1 Games

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